Read: 2 Peter 1:3-4
“God’s divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”
If you only had one last opportunity to speak to someone that was very important to you, what would you say? How carefully would you choose your words? With what intensity, passion would you express your thoughts and feelings?
When we begin to read 2 Peter it’s important for us to realize that this is the exact situation in which we find Peter. I know you remember Peter:
Simon the fisherman
Brought to Jesus by Andrew
Proclaimed that Jesus was the Christ
Denied Jesus 3 times
Jesus restored . . .
We know Peter. And Peter knows that his time is near. In other words, he realizes he is going to die soon. Jesus had foretold how he would die and now he knows that time is approaching.
So, what does he do?
He writes his farewell address to the church. These are his final words. This would be his final sermon. He’s poured his life into these people . . . now he has one last chance. So, he shares his heart with this church.
Before we go any further, it’s probably good for us to remember who he is addressing. This was a network of churches filled with refugees that were facing persecution. They were living during the time of Nero, and he was ruthless. Believers would die horrible deaths—burn at the steak, devoured by animals in coliseums—simply for loving Jesus. They’d lose their lives in unimaginable, tortuous ways for being Christian.
Peter wants to encourage, teach, and bless this hurting body of believers.
And in 2 Peter there are 3 messages that jump out at me that I want to briefly share with you over the next weeks. His concluding message to a church that is facing persecution is to grow, know, and go.
Peter, knowing that his time is near, encourages believers to grow.
Reread the verses that we’re looking at this week.
We have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness. We don’t have to simply strive to be good. We have actually been given everything that we need—not only His word, but His spirit—to be partakers or partners in the divine nature of God Himself. We’re not only shown how we are to live, but also empowered by Him to live that life. We don’t have to ask what Jesus would do in any given circumstance . . . we can be so filled with the Spirit of Christ that we just do it! Don’t agree?
Reread the verses that we’re looking at this week.
Do you see it now?
If not, read it over and over until you do.
Wow. We have become so good at making excuses for our lack of spiritual intensity and vitality that we deny the power that is available to all believers. For example, like the feeding of the 5000 in John 6: You can have as much of Jesus as you want. Or tragically, how little. You’re the one that chooses.
As we begin a new week—what are you choosing?
Are you growing?
Are you being filled by Him?
If not, remember the first thing that Peter encourages his listeners in his farewell address to do is grow. I hope that we’ll receive that encouragement, too. We are, after all, without excuse!