John Stallings penned the words,
“Touching Jesus is all that really matters,then your life will never be the same.There is only one way to touch Him,just believe when you call on His name.”
I hadn’t thought about that song for years. Until one night at a revival meeting in northeast Ohio that it flooded my memory.
It had been a good week. The crowds were good, services lively, and the Spirit of God was present. People had been responding, and lives had been changed. Masterpiece’s restored.
It was the last night of the meeting and a spontaneous testimony service erupted. It was beautiful. People stood to share what God had been doing in their lives. You could really sense a genuine atmosphere of praise.
And then she stood. Her face was worn and tired. She stood with her shoulders slightly down. Her dress was very common. I’ll confess, I don’t remember her name . . . however, I’ll never forget what she said.
Her voice trembled as she spoke. She shared how difficult the past few years had been—especially the last year. I listened intently as she described how her husband of 60-plus years had lost his battle to Alzheimer’s Disease, her family had deserted her, and now she was facing sickness herself. Yet, she had a testimony.
She relayed to all in the sanctuary that night that God had been her constant and had proven to be true through it all. She continued her story and with a stronger, more determined voice concluded with this statement that has stuck with me:
“The last few years have been so very hard. However, I know this is true:The promises that are before me are greater than the pain of my past!You see, I have Jesus, and He’s all I need.”
That’s when I realized that this woman had touched Jesus! And the memory of this song from my childhood replayed in my mind.
“Touching Jesus is all that really matters. . . . ”
Can I confess to you there are so many times that I think of everything else but this? I come to a church service thinking about what I’m going to sing, what I’m going to preach, how the flow of the service will go, wondering who’s going to show up. . . . Consumed by so many things—everything but the most important: Touching Jesus.
I hope that statement’s not too shocking. I feel I can confess this because you’re likely the same way. I mean, we all live lives in a very real world. There are occupational issues, family concerns, and obligations that want to occupy our time and thoughts. If we’re not careful, these things will control us.
I need this reminder; perhaps you do, too. Touching Jesus is all that really matters. If we’ll touch Him, our lives will never be the same.