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Through the Chaos

Sep 26, 2024

3 min read




“Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes.”

Mark 5:1 


“Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?!” 

That’s the question the disciples are asking at the close of Mark 4. Do you remember the setting? They had just come through an arduous fight—in darkness on the sea against the ‘contrary wind, a blowing atmospheric phenomenon, a violent, hurricane-like wind’. (That’s the meaning of the language translated windstorm. It really paints a picture, huh?) So, it had been a long night. And now they find themselves in a defiled land with defiled people and pigs.  

Why would Jesus bring them here? It must’ve seemed they’re jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Yet here they are questioning. Soon those questions would be answered by an unlikely source. 


His life was a wreck—personally usurped by the evil he had opened the door to. It probably seemed innocent. Perhaps he told himself, “Only this one time.” But one thing led to another and now he’s been mobbed. Evil rules his life. 

He’s been chased out of town. Everything he once knew, once loved is gone:  

No family.  

No friends.  

No home.  

No community.  

Everything has changed for him. His address was among the dead. That’s who he was. No one cared. His cries struck fear in the hearts of those nearby. Shackles and chains could not hold him so—doors were slammed and locked, windows were shuttered. He had been put out. Unloved and feared he was left to walk among the dead. Until Jesus heard his cry. This seems to be the reason for the journey on which He had taken the disciples. As Jesus deals with the evil in this man, the evil will answer the question the disciples ask. 

Jesus had heard his cries. When everyone would run from him, He came to him, and he ran to Him. What a beautiful picture! Think about it: When we had no hope, were estranged, mobbed by the sin that would steal our life—He heard our cry and made His way through the chaos to bring us peace. Darkness has been evicted by His powerful light. That’s the beauty of the Gospel. We’ll think more on this in the coming weeks, but today I want you to notice two things: 

  First, we see the demoniac fall at the feet of Jesus. It’s a disheartening thing to see the arrogance by which many of us choose to live our lives. We compartmentalize our faith just as we do every other aspect of living. We are the masters of our own fate. We will have it our way at any cost. Evil—the legion—bowed at His feet. It’s amazing to see considering most of us refuse to do just that. Our place is at the feet of Jesus. Let’s be aware of that this week. 

Second, the evil within this man will answer the question: “Who can this be?”  How does he answer? Look at v.7: 


“What have I [we] to do with You, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?” 


Who is He? He is the Son of the Most High God. He is the One that speaks into the chaos of our lives and the storm must cease, evil must flee. The one that we’ve been waiting for. That’s who He is. 

I look forward to thinking about this story more with you in the coming weeks. But this week remember this: He deserves our worship in all that we do. And, as we reverentially acknowledge His presence through our worship realize the peace that only His presence brings in the chaos of our world. 

Sep 26, 2024

3 min read





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