READ: Habakkuk 2:20
It’s been a while since we’ve started the week together. There’s been so many things that have gone on in our world, in our lives. Simply put: A lot has happened since we last talked. And I’m sorry to have been absent.
I’ve been amazed with the way things happen. We all live life. There are events that cause our world to stand still—yet time marches on. And as we mark time with the cadence of life, it’s easy to become overwhelmed.
This is nothing new.
Lately I’ve noticed that man’s condition doesn’t really change. Whether you’re trapped in the craziness of life in 2021 or living in the mid-to-late 7th century, it’s easy to be blinded by our circumstance.
That’s where we find Habakkuk. He’s struggling. He ’s been struggling. He’s literally in the middle of it and he feels abandoned, alone, and anxious. So, he goes to God. We read his complaints through chapters 1 and 2 as he pours his heart out to God. Holding nothing back, his heart and his soul is laid bare before the One that he serves.
Do you know that it’s ok to pour your heart at God’s feet? It’s spiritually and emotionally therapeutic. It’s needed. I think He invites it if I believe the word Jesus spoke in Matthew 11:28.
So, that’s what Habakkuk does and when God responds.
Please notice what He says.
He speaks faith and silence.
Where does faith begin?
By believing what God has said in His word before or until it happens in our circumstance or world.
What’s the result of faith?
Being able to follow the instruction in God’s final word to Habakkuk in chapter 2:
“But the LORD is in His Holy temple:
Let all the earth keep silence before Him.”
Did you notice that it doesn’t read (although some translations translate it as) keep silent before Him? There’s a great difference in being silent and keeping silence. One is holding your tongue. The other a state of being—an unwavering confidence in the One who holds you in His faithful hands.
I think we all know that life isn’t easy. It’s definitely not always fun. But I hope you will agree that God is always good.
This week if the rhythm of life seems a little chaotic listen for His cadence. Keep in step with Him. Keep going. March on with confidence knowing that He is in control.