READ: Mark 12:41-44
I think it’s important for us to consider how God measures giving.
According to our text, Jesus says that this “poor widow” who put in “two small copper coins”—that maybe equaled the value of a penny—was a bigger giver than all the “rich people” who put in their “large sums” of money. In the middle of the spectacle of giving, she seemingly gave all.
It’s important for us to remember that giving mustn’t be measured by the sum involved; rather, by the givers sacrifice. The rich gave from their abundance. And, when they had given, their affluent comfortable lifestyles did not change. They still had an abundance. But she, this poor widow, gave from her poverty. We read that she gave all she had, which could leave her to struggle for her daily bread. The gift was measured by what was left in the pocketbook, not what was put in the plate . . . or, in this hour—the pot.
Jesus teaches the disciples, and us, that God takes note of our giving. And, that when we give all, we follow His way of giving. In His love for a lost and dying world He held nothing back. He sent His best . . . His one and only Son. He deposited into the treasury of earth the greatest Treasure of heaven.
This kind of giving, on our behalf, demands a response.
What will your response be this week?
Perhaps, you choose to give all.
After all, that is the call of the Kingdom.
How will you give?